Wednesday, February 20, 2013

A Thankful Heart

My heart is full of appreciation and love for all of those who helped Matt and I reach (and surpass) our goal of raising $2100 for Rising Star Outreach.  The generosity of many friends and family has been touching to us.  We have gotten all choked up when we have received notifications of donations that we didn't think would come.  We are truly thankful for wonderful people who have been willing to help us but who are ultimately helping those whom they will never meet in this life.  These leprosy-afflicted families in India are also truly grateful for the help they are receiving.  I can't wait to meet them... and then introduce you to them!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Noon News

Here is Matt talking to Carolyn Holly on KTVB a few days ago.  He was asked again by the St. Als publicity lady to do a spot on the noon news regarding SAD... seasonal affect disorder.  He had a lot more to say, but I guess there wasn't enough time.  This little pic was taken by the St. Als lady.  I was watching at home.  Matt has done a bunch of men's health segments this past year.  He does a good job.  He isn't afraid of public speaking which I have always admired.  I think that St. Als needs to start giving him a little somethin' if they are gonna keep asking him to do this.  A bonus would be nice (ha!), but how about something as simple and cheap as two free movie tickets? Whatever.