Monday, December 8, 2014

My 43rd Birthday

After a whole year of no blogging, I decided that I would start up again.  I think it was funny that my last post was titled "Stinky Blogger" because I never did blog again for 362ish days.  Much has happened this year that I certainly could have written about.  I barely wrote in my own personal journal about these things.  But hey, it's a new year.  I can do better.  Not that anyone looks at my blog anymore.

So yep, today I turned 43.  I usually start my new year off with a good run.  I have a healthy body, and I need to take care of it.  My running has been pretty sporadic the last couple of months.  I've put on 4-5 pounds since moving to Utah.  That has got to change.  We have been year round runners for the past five or six years.  Running in sub-freezing temps all winter long.  But we have gotten a bit wimpy since our move here.

Thankfully, my husband bought us a pretty cool treadmill.  We have a basement now, so we actually have a place to put one.  Our new 'toy' is pretty fun.  We can create our own running maps or we can use pre made ones... we can run through Central Park, hike up Diamond Head in Hawaii, run the Boston Marathon course and so much more.

This morning, I ran my old four mile route in Meridian.  It was awesome.  I ran past my friend Kris's old house and down Linder Road past the horses.  The new Walmart wasn't there on the corner of Overland.  It was the old empty field.  The satellite needs to catch up to the current times.  And then my run ended in front of my old house on the corner of Alaska.  I saw it.  And the nice diagonal mowing lines that Matt created that week in the front yard.

Here's to being 43!
(somebody get this girl some botox)

Hello Cub Street!  Kris's house on the right side.

Running past the horse field.

1 comment:

  1. Now that's a tread mill :) Do they have Guam so you can run on the beach? I prefer running in Idaho to Utah any day.
