Sunday, August 28, 2011

Running Checklist

Friday morning I went for a run. Just me this time. No partner. Here is what I took with me...

My legs and my shoes with the Nike+ sensor:

My iPod. I run with music when I'm not with Natalie, my running sister. I knew it would be a good run when this song came on first:

Today I chose my hot pink running hat:

My lime green tank:

My newest running skirt with sparkly hearts. This pic doesn't show the slight sparkle to the fabric:

My Nike+ wristband. It keeps track of my pace, calories burned, and miles ran. Here it shows my run at 4.18 miles:

Here's me at the end of that 4.18 mile run. Sweaty and red faced. A good sign that I worked hard:


  1. You are a running fashionista! I love the skirt! I love your shoes! I love that watch! And look how strong your legs are - are you running up mountains? Thank you for inspiring me :) You go woman!!

  2. Thanks for the compliments Jody! You should try out a running skirt even if you don't run. I love them. Look at The athletic skirts are great too. They have the compression shorts under them.
