Wednesday, January 11, 2012

My Word

I thought I'd jump on the bandwagon of choosing ONE word that would be MY word for the year.  I thought about what I wanted from this new year 2012.  I thought about what I want and need to accomplish.  I thought about what I will change about myself.  I thought about what I will succeed at this coming year.  I thought about what I will share with others.

As I thought about these things, I went over in my mind many words that I could choose, but I wanted to pick one that would encompass this wide range of ideas I have swirling in my head.

So much is swirling through my head these last few weeks.  I have had the YM/YW mutual theme in my thoughts constantly, it seems.  And I love the theme that the Church chose to focus on.  I've been excited about it.  It has so many wonderful possibilities for the youth.

Why did I need to come up with a different theme (one word) for myself?  Come on, Kim, simplify!

 The YM/YW mutual theme for 2012 is the scripture found in Doctrine and Covenants 115:5.

"Arise and shine forth, that thy light may be a standard for the nations."

There is so much in that little scripture.

For MY one word I chose ARISE.
I love that verb.  It is action and motion.  It is getting up to do what I am meant to do.  And that is the word I need to get me started each day.

It is the word that I need to keep me persevering when I want to quit something hard.  It is the word that puts me into action when I need to have a little motivation to start a new project or try something new.  It is the word that will help me to be the light and example that I need to be.

Please watch this video that the Church made.  It will make you smile and ARISE (and go back to the islands)!



  1. That word encompasses so much!! Good choice. I was telling Rick as we ran in our 45 degree weather that you guys run when it is like 18. That is hard core!! I don't think I could do it. I am a wuss when it comes to cold. You are motivation!!

  2. Love the YW/YM theme this year too and the island flavor of this video. We will be duplicating the "go to the Mountain of the Lord" for our YW precamp hike in a month. Great choice of a 1 word personal theme Kim-- think I shall follow your lead.

  3. Katherine, what would the Guam YW do without you? You are awesome! I want to come on that hike with you. Hey, I've been missing your blog. You must be super busy. But remember, I live vicariously through your travels and adventures:)
