Friday, July 29, 2011

Half Way to 30!

My one and only boy turned 15 on Monday.

He's not my widdle boy anymore.

Oh my goodness. Look at those eyes!

Deep voice. Taller than Matt. Hairy armpits (too much info, I know). He is a good kid. He makes me laugh. He definitely is the comic relief in our family. He reminds me of my younger brother, Jeff. I like it that he has made up his own word... "dather" (rhymes with rather). It's a combo of dad and father. It cracks me up. I love it that he still gives me hugs out-of-the-blue and an occasional kiss on the cheek. He likes it when I scratch his back.

And then there are the times he can be stubborn as a mule. And the times when he lets me know over and over what is on his current wish list... or his "I NEED this as soon as possible" list. And the times that he finds it entertaining to drive his little sister crazy.

No matter. He's my Josh and I love the heck out of him.

Here is what I surprised him with for his b-day:

He thought this snowboarding jacket, which was on clearance on-line, had sold out of his size. But that is because I was the one who bought it! Now only if only I could make it December, he'd be even more happy.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Josh! Your Mom and Dather are so proud of you :) (dather, I love it & those pictures of 'little' Josh are a trip back in time - what a cutie he was/is still!) Tell him I can't wait to ski this winter and hopefully follow him down the mountain in that good looking coat!
