Sunday, July 10, 2011

Remembering Is the Seed of Gratitude- Day One

We owe so much to our LDS pioneer heritage... whether we have ancestors who crossed the plains or not. We have what we have because of them, and we are who we are because of them. We must remember them. And so we as the Meridian 5th Ward decided to go on a pioneer trek for the first time. We each wore a leather bracelet that had the name of one of our ancestors on it. I went to Trek remembering my 4th great grandmother Ann Christine Mortensen Neilson born in Denmark in 1837. It was humbling to think of her and the sacrifices she made for the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

My bracelet is at the top

We had been preparing for six months for this three night, 28 mile journey in the Owyhees of Eastern Oregon. We used 8 handcarts that were accurate replicas of the ones the Mormon handcart pioneers used. There were 54 youth ages 12-18 and 16 adults that acted as Ma's and Pa's. And then there were "support" people. Bishop Simpson and his wife, his 1st counselor Brother Ball and his wife, the Trail Boss Brother Rice, Joyce the Trek organizer, five cooks, the ever important port-o-potty driver Brigham Young (I'm not kidding... that is really his name!), and Matt who was the photographer and me who was the... what was I? Matt's assistant? Occasional handcart pusher? Videographer? Cheerleader yelling "You can do hard things!!"? Kitchen helper? I was kinda the pioneer without an official job.

We had super HOT weather on Day 1. And it was no cake walk. Actually, no day was a cake walk, and that is how we wanted it. Here are pics from that afternoon which included two steep hills. The night ended with delicious food (the pioneers certainly didn't eat as well as we did) and a super fun hoe-down. Between dinner and the dancing we encountered some pretty wild wind, rain and lightning. Thankfully, it was short lived, and we didn't get too wet.

At the trailhead at base of Mitchell Butte

We're off!

Clean for only a few minutes... dirty for 3 1/2 days

Up the 1st hill

Bishop Simpson and Chelsea's Pa, Brett Bird

Taking a rest

Josh pulling up the 2nd big hill

Jeff and Tresa Ball


Coming down

Josh's family- The Pasketts

Chelsea's family- The Birds

Good grub

Camp at the corals after the storm

Chelsea dancing

Josh loved the dancing too (it made me happy!)


  1. Ancestors walking the journey with you-- so beautiful! Funny I have Neilson's from Denmark in my family line too. You had an "official job" the angel from heaven who pitches in where needed--- EVERYWHERE! Loved seeing Josh and Chelsea dancing and struggling and making the most of their journey. Loved this post!

  2. Hey, we could be related in our Danish roots. That would be so cool.
