Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Been There Done That

I can now say I've taught kindergarten.  But I'm not sure I will do it again.  It wasn't horrible.  It was enjoyable at times.  But let me tell ya that the kids did not look like this.....

Within a minute of having the kids in the classroom I knew exactly who my trouble maker was going to be.  And boy, he didn't disappoint.  I was right on the money.  He was a pain the whole day.

My day would have run a lot smoother if the teacher of the computer class hadn't changed times on me.  I was suppose to prepare the rotating centers while the kids were in computers, but the lady told me our time had changed from 1:30 until 2:45!  I had to go back to the classroom with all of the kids and try to rearrange the agenda that was left for me.  I had to figure out the centers while the kids were wiggly and I was trying to keep control.  An impromptu game of Simon Says calmed them down and gave me a few moments to catch my breath.

Teacher, I need to go to the bathroom.  Teacher, he hit me.  Teacher, he's under the table breaking pencils.  Teacher, he is in my spot.  Blah Blah Blah.

That kid who was my trouble maker grabbed my boob to get my attention at the end of the day while we were getting backpacks and lining up at the door.  Yeah, it got my attention and I told him that that wasn't appropriate.  I was more than ready to send him out the door.

I'll probably try this kindergarten gig out again.  If it's offered to me, I'll take it.  I need the money.  But I won't be sad if I don't get that chance.

1 comment:

  1. I took on a kindergarten class a few years ago and I was completely worn out by the experience. I believe teaching in an endurance sport!! You are such an example!!
