Monday, January 17, 2011

In For the Long Haul

I'm one month into wearing braces. Seventeen more months to go! But I can see a difference in my teeth. Can you? (The left pic is the day I got my braces.)

Say good-bye to my "beaver teeth"! For those of you that don't know this... and I'm laying my insecurity out there for all to see... I have been self-conscious of my front teeth for twenty years. All the credit goes to some dumb-headed jerk in my Communications class my freshman year at Ricks College. We were sitting in a small group working on whatever and he told me I had "beaver teeth". How nice was that? There began my obsession with my front teeth. I don't even think the guy was trying to be mean. He obviously didn't know how to communicate with a girl!

So, when the dentist told me I should take Emma in for a consultation with the orthodontist for her cross bite, I found the guts to make myself an appointment with him at the same time as Emma's. I told him of my concerns, and he felt confident that he could help me and that I will be happy with the results. So far, so good!

I'm getting used to having bumpy, sore teeth. Eating is getting easier. I don't notice the braces as much. They are becoming apart of me. Everyone said that would happen. Most importantly, I can kiss Matt now without being so conscious of them in my mouth. He's pretty happy about that, too!

1 comment:

  1. You're lookin' GREAT!
    I was told by a boy once that my eyes are like swampy mud water. I can consider that a compliment....from a backwoods hillbilly alligator wrestler!
