Thursday, February 17, 2011

Some Must Push and Some Must Pull

Look how beautiful this painting is. I've had my eye on it since I first saw it months ago. I finally decided this is what I wanted to put in our present dining room/future sitting room. The walls in that room have been bare since we moved in almost 6 years ago. I haven't been able to pull the trigger and make a hole in the 7 ft. wainscoting until now. I can't wait to hang it.

Sorry it's so small. This is the only way I could download it. Once I hang it up, I'll take a picture of it and post it so you can see the beautiful detail.

The young men and young women of our ward are doing our first ever Pioneer Trek this June. Matt and I get to go along with Chelsea and Josh. Matt will be the trek photographer and I will get to be... well, I'm not sure yet what my job will be once we are there. But I have lots of preparation work to do as the YW president and trek committee member. Right now, I'm responsible for publicity and helping the girls make their bonnets and aprons.

What a wonderful, courageous heritage our church has. And I, personally, have such an heritage. I have pioneer ancestors that I'm looking forward to learning more about, and I will be taking them along with me as I go on this handcart trek. I know I will appreciate and love them even more. I honestly am excited about this opportunity. And looking at this beautiful painting will remind me of that.


  1. Yea for you. Our Stake did a trek 2 summers ago. We had so much fun making the girls bonnets and aprons. I also sewed light weight skirts and 3/4 sleave button up blouses. Just a money saving idea for all those aprons and bonnets, go to goodwill and purchase sheets and curtins. We used the ruffles on the curtians for the aprons. Also we packed duct tape for heat blisters and it worked really good. I was so suprised at how many parents purchased new shoes for their child to wear with out having them break them in. Hum. We also were able to get our trek in the local paper Auburn Journal. On my blog I think I have it attached. Have fun sewing. :)

  2. Thanks for the tips Karen. I've read that blog entry of yours. Those shirts you made were super cute. Trek will be a fun experience!
