Thursday, March 3, 2011

Going Down Under

The first two episodes of this season's Amazing Race take place in Australia. The contestants fly to Sydney and then in the 2nd episode, they fly on a chartered plane inland to Broken Hill, New South Wales, a small silver mining town. Here is a short video clip from that episode that just cracked me up! Watch this.

Can I just tell you that I am in love with Australia? Well, I am. And I need to go back.

In October of 2003, while living in Guam, Matt and I took the kids to Cairns, North Queensland, Australia for a week. It was an amazing vacation. We didn't have a digital camera then, so I don't have any of our pictures to put on here. They are mostly in a scrapbook already and I don't want to do any scanning. But here are some pics I got off the internet of places that we went and things we did while there.

Road on the Kuranda Train going up into the rainforest, then road the Skyrail coming back down. What a fun day.

Undara Lava Tubes at the Volcanic National Park

Termite mounds... they can get to be over 10 feet tall.

We slept in a permanent tent for a night.

Obviously, these aren't my kids, but we paid for Josh, Chelsea, and Emma to get to hold a koala and have their pictures taken with it. So cool. And we also got to feed the kangaroos. The kangaroo we saw in the Outback at the Undara Volcanic National Park were not approachable like these little zoo guys.

G'day mate!


  1. Those termite mounds give me the creeps!

  2. My bestie in college was from Perth Australia. I always tell her I will come over. Australia and Ireland are on my to do list! How fun that you guys were able to travel so much. Great memories!
