Saturday, March 12, 2011

Quick Results...But A Long Way To Go

In case you are interested (or not) in what my teeth look like right now... Here they are:

The low hanging front teeth (AKA Beaver Teeth) are gone. Oh Yeah!


  1. You look AMAZING!!! I'm so glad you took the leap and got braces. Also lovin' your haircut. My short hair was no where near as cute!

  2. Thanks Lo. Ahhhh... the pains of having short hair. Or any hair, for that matter. I have since had my hair cut and it's basically the same except for it's a little flippy at the ends on the sides. I sometimes just want to shave my head.

  3. Braces are amazing and fast! Wow, how long do you need to wear them? They already look great!

  4. I'm supposed to have them on for 18 months! So I guess I have 15 to go! Wish it was next month.

  5. Wow! What a difference a short time made!
