Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Dress Success

After getting my hair cut yesterday by the wonderful JJ, I stopped into the Macy's in Nampa. For some reason, their stock isn't as good as the Boise Macy's, but since I was right there I stopped in. I am so glad that I did. I found two winter dresses on clearance. They were each $90 dresses on sale for $39 each. Obviously they were my size and modest. One is purple and the other is charcoal grey. To sweeten the deal, I had about $58 in "Thanks For Sharing" money. What is that you ask? Sometime mid-November every year, Macy's does a charity thing. Macy's donates a percentage of sales to some charity (I can't even remember who), and for every dollar I spend at Macy's using my Macy's card, I get back 10%. It comes just in time for Christmas shopping and all kinds of great sales. I use my Macy's card to get extra discounts and then pay it off. So, a couple of weeks ago, they sent me a gift card with my earnings on it. So, I pull that out to use on my new dresses yesterday. Then I realize that I have an extra 20% off coupon AND a $10 off a $30 purchase coupon. SCORE! I only had to pay.... $7.00 for two beautiful dresses! I'm happy:)


  1. Great for you. How about pictures of the new dresses.

  2. I meant to have Matt take a pic of my new dress yesterday after church. I forgot. Maybe next time. Or maybe I can find a pic on line. Haven't checked that yet.
